Ice by Vidal Tessa

Ice by Vidal Tessa

Author:Vidal, Tessa
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Lovebird Press
Published: 2023-09-26T00:00:00+00:00

I bit back a groan. Damn it, I hated giving up those homes. But considering how much I’d make from the Holstein estate, I guess it will be worth it. But why does she want my notes? She’d spent far more time with Holstein than I did. Well, Charlotte was the boss, so I opened up a document and went to work.

Once a month, we had an office meeting where everyone shared what they were working on. I’d only been here a few weeks, so this was my second one. Hopefully, this one would be more interesting than the last snooze-fest.

“You ready?”

I glanced up and saw Kim at the door, her always present smile stretching from ear to ear.

“Yes.” I stuffed my tablet in my briefcase and we strolled to the meeting together.

There were only two seats left in the conference room. Kim sat next to Samantha, while I sat next to Charlotte.

“Now that we’re all here, let’s get started.” Charlotte tapped on her laptop for a moment. “Lucy, what’s happening in your world?”

Lucy appeared very serious this morning, with her shiny brown hair pulled back in a bun. “The Reiner estate is driving me insane. It’s been on the market for close to a year, and as of yesterday, I’ve shown it to 37 potential buyers.” She shut her eyes for a moment. “I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, and I’m at the point of wanting help. Hell, at this point, I’m thinking of giving it to one of you.” She shrugged.

The room was silent for a few moments before Charlotte spoke up. “Well,” she said slowly, “what are you doing differently from other properties you’re selling?”

“To be honest,” Lucy began, “not much. I've tried all the marketing strategies we usually use, like social media and email campaigns, but none of them work for this property.”

Charlotte nodded thoughtfully. “Perhaps we ought to think about something more creative then? Doesn’t BRAVO have a television show featuring iconic celebrity homes? Reach out to their producers and maybe they’d be interested. That could certainly draw some more attention to the property.”

Everyone around the table began throwing out ideas on how to market the Reiner estate; everything from virtual tours to engaging with influencers in order to increase interest and draw buyers. After brainstorming for quite some time, Lucy seemed more confident and hopeful about the situation.

“Thanks everyone,” she smiled. “I’ll definitely take all your advice into consideration.”

Charlotte glanced around the room. “I have an important announcement. Juliana’s listings are being redistributed to a few of you. Before the rumor mills come to life, let it be known it’s because me and her are working on a project together.”

I noticed Samantha giving me the side eye. Was that jealousy I detected?

The table was quiet for a long moment. Finally, Gray spoke.

“Charlotte, I don’t want you to feel like you have to tell me,” he said finally, “but is there anything we can do? Is there any way we could help?”

“Dear Gray. This is why you are so important to ICE.


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